DevOps & Cloud Technologies

AWS Cloud Architect Associate

With AWS Cloud Architect Associate Training you’ll have in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience to prepare you for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam (SAA-C03). Learn from industry experts and master AWS services for all your compute, data, and security needs.


AWS Solution Architect Associate Training

AWS Cloud Architect Associate Training is developed by Industry professionals to address the current demands of the industry. Through this course, you’ll learn to deploy reliable and secure applications with AWS. The training will guide you in selecting the appropriate AWS services for your needs, whether it’s for computing, data management, or security. You can ace the AWS Solutions Architect – Associate Exam by enrolling in Delhi’s AWS Training program.

The AWS Architect Certification Training aims to help you explore associate-level architectural principles and AWS services. The meetings will be directed by Industry experts who will prepare you to use AWS administrations to make the AWS framework versatile, dependable, and exceptionally accessible. This training aligns perfectly with the AWS Cloud Architect Associate Certified Exam (SAA-C03). During this AWS Architect Online preparation, you will investigate


AWS Cloud Architect Associate Course Objective

  • AWS Architecture and Various Models of Cloud Computing
  • Register Services: AWS Lambda, Elastic Beanstalk, AWS EC2, Auto Scaling, and Load Balancing
  • Storage Services: AWS EBS, AWS S3, AWS EFS, AWS Glacier, AWS Global Accelerator, AWS FSx, and Storage Gateway
  • Database Services: RDS, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, Amazon RedShift, and Amazon QLDB
  • Security, Identity, and Compliance Services: IAM, AWS Cognito, AWS Directory Service, AWS Single Sign-On, and KMS
  • Networking and Content Delivery Services: Amazon VPC, ENI, Route 53, Direct Connect, and CloudFront
  • Management Tools: AWS CloudTrail, AWS CloudWatch, AWS Config, CloudFormation, OpsWorks, and Trusted Advisor
  • Application Services: SES, SNS, SWF, Amazon MQ, Amazon EventBridge, and SQS
  • Analytics: Kinesis, AWS Lake Formation, and Athena
  • Migration Services: Database Migration Service and DataSync

Course Content

Unit-1 Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • What is Virtualization?
  • What is Cloud Computing?
  • Types of Cloud
  • Service Models of Cloud Computing
  • What is AWS (Amazon Web Service)?
  • AWS Global Infrastructure
  • How to start with AWS?
  • Launch Windows and Linux EC2 Instance in AWS Cloud
Unit-2 VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
  • What is VPC?
  • How to create a custom VPC, subnet, route table, IGW, and NAT Gateway?
  • Difference between public, Private, and Elastic IPs.
  • Security Group
  • NACL (Network Access Control List)
  • VPC Peering
  • How to take additional NIC and virtual IP for EC2 Instance
  • How to configure AWS storage and storage terminology
  • Difference between object-level storage and block-level storage
  • How to create a secondary volume for the EC2 instance
  • How to extend the EBS volume of the EC2 Instance
  • How to create a custom image by using primary volume
  • How to take a backup/snapshot of EBS volume
  • How to share volume across AZ, region, and AWS account
  • What is Ephemeral or temporary storage?
  • How to launch EC2 instance by using temp storage.
  • What is EFS in AWS? – Recording
  • How to mount the EFS file system inside the EC2 Instance
  • How to restrict client access to the EFS file system
  • What is IAM?
  • How to create an IAM user and attach a pre-defined IAM policy
  • How to write a custom IAM policy
  • How to write a custom role
  • Cross account IAM access management
  • What is S3 and Object Level Storage?
  • How to create a bucket and upload, and download objects
  • How to mount bucket as a Network drive inside EC2 Instance
  • S3 Versioning
  • S3 Static Website hosting
  • S3 Bucket replication
  • S3 transfer acceleration
  • S3 storage classes and object life cycle management
  • S3 VPC endpoints
  • S3 Server access logging
  • What is CloudWatch?
  • How to monitor EC2 Instance by using CloudWatch?
  • How to monitor the CPU of the EC2 Instance by using CloudWatch?
  • How to design a custom dashboard – Recording
  • How to write custom metrics for EC2 instances?
  • How to push OS logs to CloudWatch.
  • What is ELB and what type of Load Balancer?
  • How to create a network load balancer?
  • How to create an application load balancer?
  • How to run HTTPs base website by using a load balancer
  • What is ASG?
  • How to create ASG without LB?
  • How to create ASG with LB?
  • How to define scheduled scaling activity
  • What is RDS?
  • How to create a MYSQL database by using RDS? How to create
    snapshot of RDS?
  • How to restore the DB Instance by using snapshot and backup?
  • How to read a replica of DB Instance?
Unit-12 ROUTE53
  • What is route53?
  • How to set up internal DNS?
  • How to register a public domain and run a website on a custom URL?
  • How to run a website on a custom URL with LB? How to run a website
    on a custom URL with S3 bucket?
  • Route53 routing policies
  • EC2 Instance Families and Types.
  • Calculating EC2 Instance Pricing.Pricing Models. On-Demand ,
  • Reserved, Spot instance.
  • EC2 Tenancy Models, Shared instance, Dedicated Instance, Dedicated Host.
  • Change EC2 Instance Type. (Upgrade/Downgrade)- Resize EC2 EBS Backed Instance.
  • Creating Custom Image.
  • How to recover Private key files.
  • DLM (Data Lifecycle Manager).
  • Launching Instances by using launch template
  • On-Premises DC migration to Cloud.
  • Planning for migration.
Unit-15 LAMBDA
  • What is Lambda service?
  • How to execute code by using Lambda Function
  • Use cases of CloudFormation.
  • How to create, update, and delete a stack.
  • How to understand the syntax of YML and JSON templates.
  • Creating VPC, Volumes, and Instances by using CloudFormation
  • How to create an SNS topic; publish a Message to the topic and Subscription.
  • Use SNS topic to receive notifications on mobile and publish a text message.
  • SNS Notifications When Auto Scaling Group Scales.
  • Setting up an SNS Topic Using the AWS CLI
Unit-18 AWS CLI
  • Installing AWS CLI tool inside Linux/Windows machine by using AWS bundle installer.
  • AWS CLI tool in Windows and Linux by using PIPmethod.
  • AWS CLI setup and practical.
  • What is a VPN and what types of AWS VPN?
  • How to setup the OpenVPN server
  • How to set ClientVPN Endpoint
  • How to set up site to site VPN.
Unit-20 S3 GLACIER
  • What is S3 Glacier storage?
  • How to create a vault and upload objects

Why Should You Enroll in Our AWS Cloud Architect Certification Training?

The AWS Cloud Architect Associate is a leading figure in the field of cloud computing. Whether you are a web developer, database or system administrator, big data analyst, or IoT engineer, chances are you’ve used AWS Cloud services. This AWS Cloud Architect Associate Certification Training will assist you with turning into an AWS Certified Solutions Architect. Moreover, it opens up other career paths such as AWS Solutions Architect, AWS Engineer, AWS DevOps Engineer, and Cloud Architect among others.

To benefit from these opportunities, you need an updated curriculum aligned with current industry requirements and best practices. Besides having a strong theoretical foundation, you need hands-on experience with real-world projects involving various AWS Cloud services for storage, networking, databases, and computing. Additionally, you’ll benefit from the guidance of experts who are currently working in the industry and tackling real-world challenges.

Who Should Go for This AWS Cloud Solution Architect Associate Training?

This AWS Certification Training is designed for IT professionals aiming for a career in Cloud Computing and becoming AWS Certified Solutions Architects. Our AWS Cloud Architect Associate Certification Training helps you seize this opportunity and upscale your career. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, this training will provide you with the skills and knowledge to accelerate in the field of cloud computing.

Attend a free demo – Click Here!

The Top Reason why to choose KR Network Cloud

  • KR Network Cloud is the Red Hat Authorized Training Partner
  • We have a world-class experienced & Certified Trainer for Red Hat Training
  • All lab facilities are available. labs are facilitated with computer
  • We provide training as well as Red Hat Certification
  • KR Network Cloud will provide you the Notes, Videos, and Red Hat Training books
  • We provide corporate as well as industrial training in Delhi
  • Demo session, Workshop, Exhibition, Back-Up Classes, Practice session… ETC
  • Provide Exam Preparations to the Student
  • Our trainer will also help to crack your interview.
  • Job assistance facility for our student is also available
  • Provides online as well as classroom training.
  • Provides More Opportunity for future
